Most Useful My SQL Queries for Quality Assurance

Pixel QA
Jun 26, 2023


Most Useful MySQL Queries for Quality Assurance

There are various types of queries you can run in SQL, but we have identified some most useful MySQL DB queries. Before you execute the queries, these two things you must know.

Step-1Basic SQL terms

Step-2Properly configured MySQL Workbench tool

Once you are done with these two steps, it’s time to see the execution of the Top needed queries and their use in DB one by one in this article.

My SQL DB Queries:

The following are some of the queries with examples: NOTE: Ignore [] in the below queries.

All DBs:

It is used to get the names of all the DB(s) that are installed in your server.

Read More: Most Useful My SQL Queries for Quality Assurance



Pixel QA
Pixel QA

Written by Pixel QA


Pixel QA is one of the professional software testing company that offers wide range of services includes mobile application testing.

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